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Post by MamaK321 »

Anyone have one of the eBook Reader things? I saw the one advertised at Barnes & Noble for $250 and it looked good. I've begun comparing with those offered at Borders and Amazon. I'd love some feedback and suggestions.
This would be a gift for my dd because I cannot keep enough books in the house for her to read, she would get serious use out of this.
thanks :)
Last edited by MamaK321 on Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by milmomma »

I love them! I have twilight saga and tim travelers wife on ebook. Have audio books of twilight too! Then I could read along and listen.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by MamaK321 »

I didn't put that very well, sorry. So I'm guessing that you own an ebook thingie, which do you have? Do you like it?
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Re: eBooks?

Post by koala1966 »

Are you talking about something like the Kindle? I've heard that the drawback to the Kindle is that they can remove content from your device whenever they want. I would be so mad if I were in the middle of a book and it disappeared. Not sure how often that actually happens though.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by milmomma »

MamaK321 wrote:I didn't put that very well, sorry. So I'm guessing that you own an ebook thingie, which do you have? Do you like it?

I have the equivalent for my blackberry.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by Dianedi »

I go through a lot of books, but I make good use of the library. I like the feel of hardback books and it would probably take me awhile to get used to the idea of a digital reader. I wonder if the screen is difficult on the eyes. I would definitely have to look at one in person before I made a purchase.

If I wasn't home with the kids and I was commuting into work, I would definitely get one. For right now, I'm going to put my money toward a Gypsy! LOL! :-D
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Re: eBooks?

Post by sakura-panda »

I have the Sony Reader (PRS-505) and I love it! I've had it for about a year and I have done more reading in the last year than I have done in a long time.

I buy my books from the Sony ebookstore, but there is a surprising number of free ebooks available and I have a ton of those too. (Even Sony offers freebies from time to time. I'm reading a freebie young adult fantasy novel right now.)

The screen took very little time to get used to -- it really is just like paper -- and it's nice that no matter how long the book is, the Reader in my hand is always the same size, easy to keep open, and lightweight. I don't even notice that I'm not reading a paper book.

We went on a week long vacation over the summer and I didn't have to stress about what books to take and how heavy or how much space they would use.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by Gypsymonkey »

I so need an eReader. If I have them available, I try to read a book a day! This of course means loss of sleep, but it's well worth it!
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Re: eBooks?

Post by colormegirl01 »

I heard great things @ the nook - from barnes and noble. Some negative @ the kindle.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by cat1393 »

I have the Sony Ereader. I love it. U can make the font small...med...large. There is no glare on the screen. I go thru the library online, to borrow books. Just DON'T charge the reader on the computer if u r not finished w/ the book. And the link has expired...it takes it out. That is the only downfall.

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Re: eBooks?

Post by -Tracy- »

I got one for Christmas Kristi, I LOOOOOVE it! After checking them all out, I ended up getting the Kindle. At Christmas time there were still some bugs in the Nook, the one I tried at B&N crashed on me numerous times and I finally gave up. (I don't know if that is still the case)

It really does look just like a page in a book. And for someone who reads pretty thick books, it's must easier to handle.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by sarahwhithers »

I would love to have one, but it's just not an expense I can do right now (saving for a house and all! haha!)
But I know that Chapters Books (Indigo Books) has a new reader called the Kobo. It's only $149 canadian. It looks like it would be pretty good from the one I saw in the store. Of course, not sure if you guys have Indigo Books in the states or not.

At the moment I have the free Kobo application on my iPhone. So I can get eBooks through that. There are a bunch of free ones that I'll prob try out otherwise though they're like $9.99 CDN a book to order, and that just seems too pricey for something I'm not getting a hard copy of. :?
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Re: eBooks?

Post by Karenscraps »

I had a 2nd generation Kindle till I had an accident with it and an elliptical last year ar the gym:( :( . I have the kindle reader downloaded on my laptop also and as soon as an update is available for my driod phone I plan on downloading it there too so I can access my library and the amazon kindle list from everything while I'm waiting to replace my broken one.
Karen Y.

I haven't been an active paper crafter for a while and want to get back in the swing of things!
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Re: eBooks?

Post by LLinda »

I have the B&N Nook and have been very happy with it. I've had it since last May. Love that an entire wall of bookshelves fit inside my nightstand drawer.

- can use big font size
- can lend some books(not all and never bestselling books to other Nook friends)
- don't laugh, but I love the special Friday downloads with the in-store coupons for things like a freebie brownie from the cafe

-weird copyright laws re: international sales (Kindle had the same issue)
- if the battery dies on you, that's it til you can recharge
-doesn't like to be dropped
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Re: eBooks?

Post by stephfez »

I was given a Kindle for my birthday and have been reading more in the past 3 months than last 7 years. I love it.

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Re: eBooks?

Post by koala1966 »

I just got a new Smart Phone at the beginning of this month and found out I can get a version of the Kindle reader for it - I did and then found out there are tons of free books! So guess what, now I'm reading books on my phone, lol. I didn't see that one coming, but it's nice to keep some on there for when I get stuck waiting somewhere.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by anitawill1 »

I have a Nook from Barnes and Noble. I LOVE reading. this is a great e-reader. You can download library books onto it using your computer by checking into your local library online. It is free (Just like checking out a Library book)and very easy. You can checkout the books (Put them on your nook) for 21 days, just like the library. Its great to be able to browse through the library while sitting at home in your pjs. Then if you see something you want to read, just check it out and download it onto your nook and your ready to go. You can change the font size so the print can be large if needed. Had my Nook for 2 years now and use it every day.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by 1grandma »

My dh has a Kindle DH and he loves it! He can change the font size, too. They have about 10,000 free books so he has only bought two books! Sometimes, he looses his books, but it is his fault and we get them back without difficulty.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by jmo95 »

I started with the original kindle and a few months ago upgraded to the kindle fire. I LOVE it. I get emails from a site that lists anywhere from 50 to 100 free books a day. I very rarely pay for books. Love that it syncs to any of my apple products that have the kindle app. So if I'm stuck in a waiting room or some place like that I can still read even if I didn't bring my kindle with me.
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Re: eBooks?

Post by letumom »

I have an iPad version 1 (got it on sale when the version 3 came out). I can read both Kindle and Nook books on it with their free apps. I have not spent much in the way of money on books for either version, as I generally look for free books. I sometimes have three and four books downloaded ready to go, so that if I'm out and about I have something already downloaded. Love that I can adjust the size as needed, and of course, the iPad has a light built into it. I can also read either in landscape (two columns) or portrait mode.
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